Tag: Online

Google Apps Hacks by Philipp Lenssen

Book Description Can Google applications really become an alternative to the venerable Microsoft Office suite? Conventional wisdom may say no, but practical wisdom says otherwise. Right now, 100,000 small businesses are currently running trials of Google office applications. So are large corporations such as General Electric and Proctor & Gamble. Google Apps Hacks gets you in on the action with …

Backlinks-ology by Anthony oyundoyin

Book Description Backlinks-ology: The Secrets of Getting 5000 Back-links and Stay on First page of Google within 7 Days without Paying Dime. It explains simple methods on getting back-links to the website which can increase the number of traffic and increase the number of sales. Many webmaster find it difficult to get their website rank on Google, but with the …

Using Google App Engine by Charles Severance

Book Description Build exciting, scalable web applications quickly and confidently using Google App Engine and this book, even if you have little or no experience in programming or web development. App Engine is perhaps the most appealing web technology to appear in the last year, providing an easy-to-use application framework with basic web tools. While Google’s own tutorial assumes significant …

Inbound Marketing by Dharmesh Shah

Book Description Traditional “outbound” marketing methods like cold-calling, email blasts, advertising, and direct mail are increasingly less effective. People are getting better at blocking these interruptions out using Caller ID, spam protection, TiVo, etc. People are now increasingly turning to Google, social media, and blogs to find products and services. Inbound Marketing helps you take advantage of this change by …

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